A Guide To The Guide

Bellefonte’s 2022 Holiday Gift Guide

Presented by The Bee Collective

First and foremost, had we printed all of the submissions we received, this first edition of Bellefonte Bold would be thicker than the yellow pages. There isn’t enough paper to print all of the goods, services and experiences that the creatives, artisans and businesses in Bellefonte have to offer. That said, we did our best to craft a list of our favorite gifts that anyone on your “Nice List” would be lucky and thankful to receive. 

Gifts are broken down into the following categories; “For the Home”, Under $150, “Curated Selections” and Under $50. We focused on tangible items and specific services or experiences for the printed guide, however a gift certificate to a local business is always thoughtful and a great way to support local. 

Bellefonte Bold

Formerly Bellefonte Zine, Bellefonte Bold is your dedicated resource to information and inspiration from our backyard. Enjoy stories, highlight and tips from our contributors showcasing Lifestyle, Business, Health, Activities and more.


Getting around Town This weekend


Holiday SPirit